Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tahu Telur (List Of Indonesian Cuisine)

Tahu Telur (List Of Indonesian Cuisine)
Tahu Telur (List Of Indonesian Cuisine)
Tahu Telur (List Of Indonesian Cuisine) - Tahu Telur  are popular snack in East Java. When the adjustable portion, it is can be classified as an appetizer (appetizer) to open the gates of sense.

Basically, Tahu Telur is scrambled tofu (tofu omelette), the diced tofu in egg batter and fried chicken. Dadar know it sprinkles sprouts served over steamed, sprinkled with chopped celery, and then doused with peanut-based sauce. Is the final touch of soy sauce and a sprinkling of fried shallots. In Surabaya, some sellers Tahu Telur add paste to the sauce to make it more kick.
Tahu the common egg served with pickled cucumbers and colorful tapioca crackers. Know eggs can also be served as a meal with rice cake or rice cake. This dish is comfort food are easily found from sellers bergerobak push or pole on the roadside. In Semarang, there is a similar dish out eggs, served with shrimp or peanut brittle wet dreadlocks of medium-sized shrimp.

There is no historical record that indicates the origin of the eggs out. However, when judging the presentation, traditional cuisine is thought very new creations that may be emerging in East Java culinary world since the late 1940s.

Tahu Telur (List Of Indonesian Cuisine)

Lumpia (List Of Indonesian Cuisine)

Lumpia (List Of Indonesian Cuisine)
Lumpia (List Of Indonesian Cuisine)
Lumpia (List Of Indonesian Cuisine) - In Indonesia lumpia is associated with Chinese Indonesian cuisine and commonly found in cities where significant Chinese Indonesian settles. Although some local variants exist and the filling ingredients may vary, the most popular variant is Lumpia Semarang, available in fried or unfried variants. Indonesian lumpia is commonly filled with seasoned chopped bamboo shoots with minced chicken or prawn, served with fresh baby shallots or leeks in sweet tauco (fermented soy) based sauce. Lumpia sometimes also served with sweet and spicy chili sambal or fresh bird's eye chili pepper.

Lumpia (List Of Indonesian Cuisine)

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